How can I schedule my emails?

How can I schedule my emails?

You can also choose to send an email at a different time. This can be very useful if you’re sending emails to recipients in other time zones, for example, or if you want to send the email at a time where you are unable to do so yourself. You can choose On date/time or Periodically.


How can I schedule my emails?

Here you can choose when the email is sent. If this task planner is active, the email can no longer be edited. It will be shown in yellow under content > mailings, which tells you it’s in the task planner. Otherwise, sending scheduled emails works the same as sending them directly.


If you want to edit an email, you need to turn off the task planner, edit the email, and reactivate the same task planner. If a task is inactive, it will be in red and struck through.



You can also choose to send an email periodically, like every Monday. In that case, the same email will be sent each time. For example, a ‘welcome email’ that you send to people who recently subscribed or a birthday email with a filter that makes sure it’s only sent to people whose birthday it is.

How can I schedule my emails?