Creating a temporary group

Within Webpower, groups are used to segment the entire database of contacts. This allows you to better tailor your email campaigns to the specific contact and make it as personal as possible. The better you are able to personalise an email, the greater the chance that your email is opened and perceived as relevant. This user tip explains why and how you can use a temporary group.

Temporary group

In some situations you want to create a temporary group, for example, to send them an email once. Once the email has been sent, you can delete the group. This means that only the group no longer exists, but the contact details remain and statistics are unaffected.

An alternative is to create a temporary group that is automatically deleted after 24 hours. If you add tmp_ in front of the group, for example tmp_import01122015, it is automatically deleted from Webpower. This way you keep track of the list of groups in your database.