Applying personalized persuasion tactics with Webpower

Increasing conversion by enticing your target group at a personal level: it sounds more complicated than it is. You have probably heard of the 6 persuasion tactics of Cialdini (Social Proof, Authority, Scarcity, Commitment, Liking, and Reciprocity), which affect decision-making and online conversion. By providing 3 different ways of persuasion and monitoring what someone responds to through (clicking) behavior, a personal persuasion profile is built. And the individual profile is adapted to every interaction, so that the best secution tactic is applied first the next time. And because of Webpower’s PersuasionAPI, you do not need to do anything.

How does it work?

Every time a visitor returns to the website, he/she will get to see a label or piece of content – based on previous behavior as well as the behavior of the target group as a whole – that is formulated in a way that is most convincing to him/her based on the tactics of Cialdini.

The result: An average conversion increase of 5 to 10 percent and a general growth in email engagement.

Webpower believes in this scientific, data-driven way of persuasion at an individual level. Up until now, evidence has been produced for each customer: an average minimum conversion increase of 5 percent.

Let’s get to work!

Are you interested? We are happy to provide you with a detailed explanation of how the PersuasionAPI works. If you are convinced and you want to get to work, you will receive your login details to actually get started via Webpower in a few steps:

Applying personalized persuasion tactics with Webpower

Through a wizard, you can indicate with which texts, colors, and labels you would like to entice the consumer. If this is completed, it will be sent to our developer, who will take care of the implementation. The only thing you need to do is paste a line of code (tag) in the source code of your website.

After the implementation, you will see the consumer’s behavior and the conversion result on the dashboard immediately.

Applying personalized persuasion tactics with Webpower